QUOTE OF THE DAY: dealing with infidelity

In a recent issue of Psychotherapy Networker, author and sex therapist Tammy Nelson wrote a case study on “Women Who Cheat.” The article focuses on the kind of theoretically monogamous heterosexual couple for whom any sexual encounter with a third-party constitutes a potentially lethal breach to the marriage contract. I know from my experience and from my practice that many couples find ways to accommodate and negotiate for non-monogamous commitments. Still, I recognize that every couple is entitled to its own culture and ground rules, and the framework that Nelson offers to help this particular couple cope with sexual infidelity seems sensible enough that I wanted to share it with you. I especially appreciate her advocating the redefinition of monogamy from “blanket prohibition on outside sex to a search for deeper intimacy inside the marriage.”

women who cheat

“In my view,” Nelson writes, “infidelity recovery has three phases: crisis, insight, and vision. The crisis stage occurs right after disclosure or discovery, when couples are in acute distress and their lives are in chaos. At this point, the focus of therapy isn’t on whether or not they should stay together or if there’s a future for them, but on establishing safety, addressing painful feelings, and normalizing trauma symptoms.

“In phase two, the insight phase, we talk about what vulnerabilities might have led to the extramarital affair. Becoming observers of the affair, we begin to tell the story of what happened. Repeating endless details of the sexual indiscretion doesn’t help, but taking a deeper look at what the unfaithful partner longed for and couldn’t find in the marriage—and so looked for outside of it—as well as finding empathy for the other, who was in the dark, can elicit a shift in how both partners see the affair and what it meant in their relationship.

“Phase three is the vision phase, which includes seeking a deeper understanding of the meaning of the affair and moves forward the experience and resulting lessons into a new concept of marriage and, perhaps, a new future. In this phase, partners can decide to move on separately or stay together. This is where the erotic connection will be renewed (or created) and desire can be revived. In this phase, the meaning of monogamy changes from a moralistic, blanket prohibition on outside sex to a search for deeper intimacy inside the marriage. A vision of the relationship going forward includes negotiating a new commitment.”

You can check out the whole article here. Let me know what you think about this topic.

EVENTS: Rowe Labor Day

I’ve heard about the Labor Day gathering for gay men in Rowe, MA, for many years but have never attended. This year, that changes. My friend Ben Seaman, who organizes the weekend with Andrew Plummer, asked me to bring my body-and-soul teachings to Rowe this year, and we will be joined by Ray Riglioso, who conducts a retreat called Gay Men of Wisdom.

From the website: “Now in its 28th year this Labor Day Retreat is one of the longest standing gay, bisexual, and questioning men’s gatherings in the United States. For new participants, Rowe is a safe place to explore coming out, to spread your wings, and to make real friends. For those returning, Rowe offers a real connection with men who value spirituality and personal maturity. This nourishing experience offers a bridge to a more connected view of the gay community and the world. See and feel beauty in yourself and in other men. Expect the unexpected.

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“Rowe is a place of transformation, providing emotional, intellectual, physical, and spiritual experiences. You will feel welcomed and whole; you will laugh and you may shed some tears of release. Workshops led by experienced teachers will explore relationships, body work, art, dating, theater, singing, meditation, spirituality, movement, and much more. There will be gift-giving, ritual, play, and delicious home-cooked meals.”

For more information and registration, click here.

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RESOURCES: Male Massage Exchange (MMX NYC)

My friend Jeff Vilensky is a professional entrepreneur and an enthusiastic connoisseur of bodywork, so he has combined these elements to create MMX NYC, Massage Exchange for Muscular Men. At its headquarters on 14th Street, MMX has cultivated a community of like-minded men through its facilitated evenings of training and massage exchange.

As the organization’s website explains, “MMX exists to teach us The Power of Touch.  To learn about bodywork, explore, learn, connect and have fun with other guys in a great environment and setting. We ask that you bring your friendly, open, and curious self. We are proud of our 2,000 plus and growing membership of fit, healthy, diverse, attitude-free, friendly guys who give great Touch.”

I will be teaching some classes at MMX in the near future. Classes are open to MMX members, and membership is free with online registration. Check it out here and let me know what you think.
