Events: Mid-Winter Mexico getaway — GAY MEN AND THE ART OF AGING GRACEFULLY

How often do you find yourself saying, aloud or to yourself, “I’m too old to (fill in the blank)”? How often do you find yourself saying or thinking, “I’m NOT too old to (fill in the blank)”? Whether we face the subject with defiance or dread, grief or gratitude, cringing or curiosity, aging happens to all of us, if we’re lucky. What tools have we gathered, individually and collectively, to equip ourselves for the challenge and the opportunity of aging gracefully?

The intention of this pilot program, conducted by me with Michael Mele, co-founder of Il Chiostro, is to re-write the book on aging as gay men. Our tribe doesn’t necessarily have a lot of role models for navigating this season of life. Some of us have family structures to provide continuity as we age. Others of us rely on peers and partners for support, camaraderie, and a sense of belonging. How do these things change over time? What sustains our capacity for growing in mind, body, and soul?

In the lovely atmosphere of a mid-winter getaway to sunny Mérida in Mexico’s Yucatan peninsula, we will gather for a week-long adventure with other soulful gay men, exploring best practices for not only surviving but thriving in our golden years.

For more info and/or to register, see here.

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